Transform your health with our comprehensive, step-by-step program
4.9/5 star reviews
Step-by-step guidance through every phase of your journey.
Customized nutrition, lifestyle & supplement plan based on your intake, bloodwork & hair tissue results
Meal Plans, Exercise Videos, and Recipes, Specifically designed for women over 40.
Weekly live group coaching with Lara to answer questions
1.5 Hour 1:1 Intake Call with Lara
30-Minute 1:1 Exit Call with Lara
Access to a Community of Supportive Women
6-Month Access to a Private App to log your food intake and receive weekly feedback, accountability, and support directly from Lara.
"I have lost at least 70 lbs, my body has more energy and my sleep has improved SO MUCH!!”
- Susan
"I started the program 11 days ago & I have already dropped 7 lbs. I notice a dramatic difference in my energy & sleep!"
- Zarmig
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